Robyn Wilson 3 months ago

Grant was enthusiastic and passionate about the topic. He really knew what he was talking about, and this came through very clearly.

I enjoyed the flow of the program. It was fast paced but there was still time for questions and reflection.

I now know what resources I could be using when I edit and it has excited me or re-awakened my passion for grammar!

You will find so many opportunities to learn and grow in your writing and editing skills with AWC courses. So easy to connect with Zoom. Everything was so well done. Thank you.

Dana Lang 3 months ago

I thought Grant was exceptionally informative and knowledgeable.

I liked it all. I now have confidence in editing and a better understanding of the rules of grammar.

Very professional level of education.

Jess 9 months ago

I liked how the 2 days were broken up i.e. more high level on day 1 and more nitty gritty on day 2. I enjoyed Grant's offering of advice and opinions based on his experience as it made the learning richer and spurred on the idea that you still have agency to make decisions/judgement calls within/around the rules.

Given my confidence a boost, and I really enjoyed learning this stuff with a group of people who were also interested in and cared about it.

It's great to either confirm what you already know or to teach you new things, but in both instances it helps you understand and provides reasoning behind this knowledge.

Sarah Bravo 9 months ago

Grant is a very engaging tutor, with enormous experience and skills. A great presenter.

The course provided a structure that I can build on. There are actually rules for things, rather than some secret code that is passed down!

Sue Ellen 9 months ago

Grant was amazing. The small group was perfect because we all got to speak, contribute and learn from each other.

The course got into the nitty-gritty of editing. The things you 'know are wrong' but can't put a name to. Or the things that constantly trip you up and make you feel silly. I look forward to wielding my new Big Red Pen and using fancy words to explain why I'm right. The power of the pen compels me!

I like being able to use the correct words to prove I'm right. Slightly evil but *shrugs*

Faye 2 years ago

The tutor really knows what she's talking about. It was great listening to and learning from her, as she was neither going too fast or too slow. Her pace is good and just right!

It offered useful and practical advice in what I considered an acceptable span of time. I really learned things that I can apply in my writing.

Jacquelyn Jones 2 years ago

Michelle was thorough and easy to understand.

I enjoyed the group working through the prepared document for editing. I now have a systemised structure and approach to confidently edit.

A foundational course. Essential if you wish to ensure that your documents, posts etc go out with a professional finish.

Bettina Deda 2 years ago

Michelle is a very friendly and engaging person. She explained the content well and encouraged questions and discussion. I appreciate her feedback to my writing example.

It was a good mix of facts, exercises, and feedback. A great resource for writers and editors to learn, grow, and update their skills.

Richie Cuskelly 2 years ago

The course was really good! It was concise, interesting and very useful. Lots of small valuable lessons that add up.

Maryanne 2 years ago

Michelle is a very knowledgeable and skilled course presenter who likes to share her writing and editing skills with others. I learned more than I expected, such as the hierarchy of adjectives and non-essential clauses.

The workbook with the exercises was very useful and workshopping to assess how much we had learnt from the 2 half days intensive training.

Reinforced editing tips I had picked up through trial and error and also provided new insights.

Editing is essential for everyone who wants to write well. Michelle is skilful at sharing her writing and editing insights and encouraging others to refine their writing skills.

Jacinda 2 years ago

Very useful course, great facilitator and kept us all engaged. Have come away with some helpful info for the future.

Glenn Morrison 2 years ago

Michelle's course was well presented, clearly organised and super useful. She was clear, interesting and well-informed.

The most interesting aspect of the course was its immediate applicability to my work, and the ease of the online format.

The course makes me reflect on the value of training, which can help consolidate the knowledge you already have, while highlighting the knowledge you don't. I gained clarity around the various use and forms of dashes!

This course is valuable for everyone, from novices to experienced editors. There is always something new to learn and tricky questions to consider.

Alisha Smith 2 years ago

I've been writing and editing for a while but all through self-taught means (I.e. "Google, help me figure out how to write this!"). I was looking to improve the professionalism and accuracy of my writing by learning the accepted rules.

Michelle was wonderful! I really appreciated her welcoming, humble approach and found her content matter knowledge to be incredibly valuable.

I enjoyed the concise, clearly articulated 'rules' of editing. There were many things I learned that had always been a source of confusion.

I gained confidence in what I was already doing correctly, and clear guidance on the things that I'd often spend a lot of time trying to figure out.

Thank you for another great course and for supplying the recording so I could catch up on the section I missed.

Michelle Riggs 2 years ago

Michelle was great. She knew her stuff and was open and realistic about the challenges faced by editors. Michelle also talked about managing expectations and relationships, which I found very helpful.

Time well spent! I needed a confidence boost in some areas and the environment was friendly and encouraging. My tutor had extensive and current experience, and made us feel like we were all in it together.

Thank you :)

Howard Roberts 3 years ago

Already a freelance copywriter, I've been taking on increasing amounts of editing jobs. I already know the AWC through completion of Bernadette's copywriting courses, so knew it would be a good course. Wasn't disappointed!!

Michelle is a great course leader, and very knowledgeable!

There were a few small elements of grammar usage I had either forgotten or never learned previously. I am now fully armed and dangerous!

Well worth it - AWC offers such a great range of courses for pretty much any writing purpose. Easy to interact with them via website and always clear communication. Regardless of delivery method, the courses always deliver, with wonderful tutors, and are value for money.

Danielle Phelan 3 years ago

I am a budding writer with a particular passion for spelling, grammar and punctuation. I thought this course would expand my skills and open some doors into the professional proofreading and editing space.

Michelle was extremely knowledgeable, providing a lot of very practical advice. The workshopped examples and interactions with Michelle and other course participants helped to make a very dry topic more enjoyable.

It’s given me confidence to explore freelancing in the proofreading and editing space.

Carolyn Leach 3 years ago

Friends and family often ask me to proofread and edit material they have written. The course served as a refresher to what I already knew.

The course was interactive and it wasn't a matter of just sitting and listening to someone speak about the content. Michelle knows her subject very well and was able to impart that knowledge so that it was easily understood.

Pilar Zegrati 3 years ago

The information was very good and clarified some misconceptions I have had for years. I also learned new things I was not even aware I did not know and started applying my new learnings straight away.

The tutor knew what she was talking about and was very helpful and knowledgeable. It was also great to get her personal experience around tools I have started to use e.g. Grammarly.

I enjoyed learning new things that I can apply in the workplace. Learning from other people's examples and learning from having the tutor work with me to edit some of my own previous work was very illuminating.

Thank you AWC for providing another high-quality course.

Robyn Shilton 3 years ago

The tutor was an excellent communicator, sustained my interest, responsive and sensitive to the disparate skills of participants. Michelle was able to deconstruct the many complexities of editing and although there was such a lot of content I came away with several matters very clearly stamped in my brain.

So many areas that I was uncertain about or did not even know about; quotations, colons and semi colons, dangling modifiers, and more - the rules as explained by Michelle opened so many doors for me.

I love the tip about editing a rule at a time rather than trying to do everything at once (which is my practice). That was so illuminating for me.

The content is great. They give you a really valuable resource workbook, the tutor is an expert in her field and the price point is economical. This will be an excellent investment.


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