The FURIOUS FICTION challenge is LIVE! The challenge ends in:



It’s a brand new FURIOUS FICTION challenge! Are you ready to write?

Here are your creative criteria for this month:

  1. Your story must take place UP IN THE AIR. (Not on solid ground or on/in water – more details below.)
  2. Your story’s first sentence must include a colour and a number.
  3. Your story must include the words DOUBT, PACK and SILENCE. (Only ‘-ing’, ‘-ed’ or ‘-s’ variations allowed)


Embrace the creative challenge! We also love seeing you share your progress over the weekend by tagging #furiousfiction on your socials.



It can be comforting to set your story on solid ground – somewhere familiar where it can simply take a backseat to your characters or action. But this month, we’d like you to untether yourself from your comfort zone and rise about the familiar. This is a ‘location’ that simply cannot be ignored!

  • By ‘UP IN THE AIR’ we mean that at no point in your story should anyone be standing on solid ground OR in/on water. This includes in a building/tower attached to the ground, up a tree, or on a boat etc.
  • However, they CAN be ‘dangling’ or ‘suspended’ – think about an acrobat or a tight-rope walker, someone on a zip-line, Tom Cruise in that scene from Mission Impossible etc. These are fine, despite the fact that a wire etc might be attached to something solid.
  • Planes are okay too – if it’s flying! The same goes for helicopters and of course rockets and spacecraft! (Yes, you can be in space if you want – just don’t set foot on the moon or another planet!) Be aware if you’re choosing a plane or spacecraft, that you’ll likely be up against more creative takes – so make sure you tell a very good story!
  • Hot air balloons, actual balloons (like in Up), gliders, parachutes, flying carpets etc are also fine, as long as the story takes place up in the air. 
  • Perhaps your characters are birds or insects? As long as they’re flying in your story, that’s okay! Or is your character a cloud? A paper plane? A shooting star? 
  • Maybe your ‘up in the air’ moment is a moment in time? For example, perhaps it takes place in a high jumper’s thoughts mid-leap or as someone is jumping from a burning building etc? 
  • Essentially, ANY creative way you can think of to be ‘UP IN THE AIR’ is fine by us – we love seeing original takes!

Your story must be a maximum of 500 words. Hyphenated words and contractions each count as just one word. NOTE: if you require italics for your story, please place an asterisk *before and after* the italic section(s). We’ll be featuring our Top Pick and a selection of our favourite stories at the end of the month!

Please complete the form BELOW to submit your story.

Submissions close MIDNIGHT Sunday 4 August 2024 (Sydney/Melbourne time). A countdown timer is located above.


Furious Fiction Submit Story

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(If you don’t have a title, use ‘Untitled’ – but we recommend a title!)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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Click on the big blue button below to sign up to the Furious Fiction Fan Club and be notified about each monthly challenge!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: So tell me – what is FURIOUS FICTION?
A: FURIOUS FICTION is a monthly short story challenge from the Australian Writers’ Centre.

Q: How does it work?
A: On the FIRST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH, we will unveil a new story challenge. You then have 55 hours and a maximum of 500 words to wow us with your storytelling skills.

Q: Can I see one you prepared earlier?
A: Of course! In fact, over on our story showcase archive, you can explore all of the previous challenges and featured stories since 2018! (Get comfy.) 

Q: So, how much is it to be part of this?
A: Please, put your wallet away. It’s free to participate.

Q: Wait. Did you just say it’s FREE?
A: We did. Do you need to get your hearing checked?

Q: Sorry, what?
A: Nothing.

Q: How can I be part of FURIOUS FICTION?
A: It’s easy. The challenge is open worldwide to participants aged 17 years and over. Sign up to the Furious Fiction Fan Club to be notified when the next challenge goes LIVE.