Wendy Adams 1 year ago

I was attracted to this course after I participated in a zoom session with Kate and Val. It was excellent and that certainly enticed me. But to be totally honest, I love listening to Kate and every time I hear her on a podcast or radio or tv, I'm just blown away by her warmth and knowledge. I am fascinated by the topics she covers such as the Pre-Raphaelites and the important role fairytales play in the human psyche.

I learned so much about writing, art, life and being a creative human. It was fascinating. I've finished the course once but because I have access for the year, I will revisit it again before it expires.

I loved learning new things: the sonnet that she read by Pablo Neruda was beautiful. I googled the music she recommended and I was fascinated by the art work. I'd say Kate herself, her warmth, her knowledge and her beautiful presenting style made this an incredibly memorable event.

In my opinion, it was perfection.

I know that I need to make a structure for my writing. I understand that the fears I have as a writer are common to us all and to write anyway. I love the idea of being a 'creative human' and not just a writer. I love the notion that we must live fully as creatives, to experience life deeply to ensure our creativity is fresh and alive. Being a writer takes bravery and it's normal to feel afraid.

I would say that Kate's course is worthwhile not just for writers but for anyone who wants to live life to the fullest and experience the wonders of creativity whatever form that may take.

Thank you for providing this course for us.

Karin Fisher 1 year ago

Loved having Kate present the course and the slow build-up of the challenges to create a creative writing practice.

The Dare to Dream course is one of the best writing courses that I have experienced thus far as a writer. The course was conceptual and theoretical in a way that made it easy to understand. Kate brings these to life in her storytelling through her use of words and expressions that bring forth images and visions. What an inspirational course.

I have been unable to attend courses in person with Kate, so these online ones have provided me with the opportunity to learn from a master storyteller.

Natalie 1 year ago

I felt that it was what I needed, as I was going through a phase where I felt dry creatively and really needed a boost of inspiration.

I loved the entire course. Kate shared so many valuable and practical tips and techniques to help me in my writing. I feel very inspired. And I'm excited about putting everything I've learned to practice.

I've started my daily secret writing. Although it's not a novel, it's a great way to get me putting words onto paper every day. And it helps me process through my thoughts and learn to articulate them. Plus, I believe it will gradually help to unshackle me from the fears and "droughts" that have been limiting and inhibiting my creativity.

I've done several courses with AWC now, and I'm very happy with all of them. Keep up your good work! And thanks for helping writers like me :)

Jacqueline 1 year ago

This course was so much more than I expected. I loved the combination of science, inspiration, method and art. It all blends so beautifully to give this "writer in hiding" the courage to throw off the chains and "dare to dream." To dream my visions into life.

What an amazing group of genuine, thoughtful, and intelligent beings. A privilege to share my Monday evenings with them, even virtually or on replay. Thank you for your sharings, fellow dreamers. Oh, and the art :)

AWC courses are always great. Well organised, the tech just works and the content never disappoints.

Just BIG THANKS to Kate and all the team for a beautiful course, and here's to the artist's life, may we all live long and brave and free :)

Simply inspiring. The rest is up to me ...

Louise Pilkington 1 year ago

This was a great course to become inspired to write. Kate's presenting skills were very engaging, and her presentation was filled with inspiring quotes, information and imagery.

It has encouraged me to explore creative writing further.

Cathie Cummins 1 year ago

Dare to Dream was great. It was facilitating, so positive and affirming. A different collection of tools - which are all so essential.

It feels like this course has changed me. I have been writing in bed each morning since starting. In fact, I went back to bed and wrote two days before the course; it was fate!

I did tell someone they were brave to attempt to write a novel without getting some writing tools! Do some courses!

Thank you for offering such diversity in your courses. Now I need a cup of tea.

Lani Lip 1 year ago

Dare to Dream was a great title and drew me in. The course totally lived up to its title.

Kate was so inspiring and encouraging. I enjoyed her outlook on writing and life and her encouragement, and the ability to talk freely also if we had something to say.

Every writer at any level should do this course. I'm inspired to make writing a daily activity and to pursue my dreams.

Kerstin Sheppard 2 years ago

The joy Kate clearly got from presenting this course was infectious and engaged the participants. Her material was interesting and thoughtfully curated.

Kate gave me ideas how to integrate writing more easily into my life and offered tips and inspiration for writing and improving stories.

Colleen Ricci 2 years ago

I was looking for inspiration and a new mindset to move forward with my ideas. The course was very well thought out and interestingly presented, including artists and poetry all geared to stimulate imagination and inspire.

I enjoyed the feeling that everyone was engaged and inspired, which energised the group. Loved the content and approach.

I felt really inspired, and after thinking about my idea and dabbling with snippets of writing around my idea for about a year, I actually made a start in the knowledge that it is a first draft and that it CAN be absolute crap.

Just thank you for offering this course. I would do a Dare to Dream follow up if it was ever offered again by Kate.

Amanda Webster 2 years ago

I love Kate's presentations. She's always well prepared, has superb slides to illustrate and is happy to answer questions.

I finally understand point of view and I'm inspired by Kate's thoughts on the role of storytelling.

Melinda Horton 2 years ago

I really enjoyed the presentation style and sharing of tips and the 'systems' (not tech) that has proven to work for Kate. The other ideas and experiences of the group were also valuable.

I feel I have 'permission' to set up an environment and 'system' that works for me, taking some of Kate's tips and blending with what I know works for and motivates me.

The AWC is a welcoming place to explore what writing means to you, without right/wrong judgement. I'm enjoying my involvement with the AWC community and appreciate the weekly newsletters too.

Katherine McLean 2 years ago

Kate is a delightful teacher who has opened my eyes to the joy and art of writing. This is the third course of Kate's I have taken in a year of courses with the Australian Writers' Centre. I started with History, Mystery and Magic, followed with Plotting and Planning, and finished a year of learning the craft of writing with Dare to Dream.

Kate quotes C. S. Lewis: "He does not despise real woods because he has read of enchanted woods: the reading makes all real woods a little enchanted."

This is the magic of Kate's class; she imparts the possibility of an enchanted and inspired writing practice and provides you with the tips, tricks, tools and techniques to make it so. Her classes are an ode to beauty, expression and the craft of writing. Each class is a carefully considered work of art. I love, love, love Kate's generosity, passion and joy.

Over the three courses, Kate has changed the way I view writing, and opened up a whole new world of the poetics of writing, and grounded the practice in science and technique. Her comments, feedback, and answers to questions contain subtle, deep insight into the strategic thinking of a professional writer. Kate's love for her work emanates from her and we are all better for it.

This year I have completed a number of course at the Australian Writers' Centre and it has been extraordinary to learn the craft of writing. I feel I have a solid foundation of skill and knowledge under my belt which will assist me as I begin my journey as a writer. I have had a great year with the Australian Writers' Centre. Thank you!

Do it. You cannot lose.

Karen Comer 2 years ago

I learnt so much, felt engaged with the other participants even though it was online, had the chance to ask questions, and felt inspired and energised. I learnt techniques for living a daily creative life.

During this course, I was offered two contracts from two publishers for my two manuscripts! Kate was very generous in offering me support through this process.

Sarah de Lancelle 2 years ago

I loved the sense of camaraderie obtained by week 4; I also loved the inclusion of the reasoning mechanisms of the brain and how writing can induce / influence responses for the writer and reader. It also opened questions that have been very productive in my writing journey that I will be forever grateful for.

I have found a new way of writing I had not considered and it opened me to ideas for my work and validation for my ideas. I wish it wasn't over. It was a fascinating course!

I always recommend AWC as every course I have done has provided really useful honest information.

Robyn Elliott 2 years ago

Kate approaches life and her writing from a different perspective. She adds that touch of fairyland, pixieland, elves and all things of another dimension. She is enthusiastic, dedicated and wants other writers to have joy in their work.

I enjoyed the beautiful graphics; the descriptions of other writers and poets and their lives; the way our writing works in the different parts of the brain; and doing the memory and secret writing exercises each week. The course demanded a certain amount of commitment without creating guilt if you couldn't keep up every exercise every day. Kate was encouraging and listened carefully to some of the writers who needed help.

I recommend AWC to EVERY friend and several completed courses with you and went on to write books.

At almost eighty I am taking a more relaxed approach to life and Kate's Dare to Dream was the perfect dash of fairy medicine I needed. Thank you Kate and thank you AWC.


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