Melissa S Green 3 weeks ago

My writing was stuck, I was in major story writing doldrums, and I had some sense it had to do with not having a good understanding of foundational elements of structure, such as 3-act structure.

Voila! my writing is no longer stuck, and I'm out of the writing doldrums. I've made so many new discoveries in my story over the past week (as I went through this course) that are not only exciting to me, but which I know will excite my eventual readers.

I've had the plot for a long time, the characters, etc. And I'm a damn good writer. But even my long history of reading, writing, and even an MFA in Creative Writing (in poetry, however) did not teach me the fundamentals of story structure. Now, all of a sudden, things are falling into place. Now I know what to write next, and where it goes in the overall story.

Every course I've taken from AWC has exceeded expectations. And believe me, I have recommended your courses, and will continue to do so. A German friend of mine is taking your Romance writing course right now. Let me add that I'm an American, and was put on to AWC by a Brisbane friend a couple of years ago. Maybe there's something as good as AWC in the U.S., but I haven't seen it yet.

Jennifer Lamb 8 months ago

This is EXACTLY what I was looking for in a course about structure! So very thorough, well-organised, clear & concise, and with lots of worksheets to guide the student along the way. I definitely feel my understanding of structure has improved, and I'm eager to apply this knowledge to my work-in-progress and future works. Thank you so much!!!

I enjoyed EVERYTHING!!! The content, organisation, audio recordings, handouts... All EXCELLENT and very thorough! Fantastic value for money! I also really liked that this course covered multi-book storylines & structure!

I'd hit a roadblock with my work-in-progress, primarily because I felt the structure and pacing were off. I've done several courses in the past that dealt briefly with structure in theory, but never came away feeling satisfied on the practical application of the subject to my own work; I knew what The Hero's Journey, 3-Act Structure, etc. were, but still found it difficult to shoehorn my story into those structures. I really love how THIS course takes the student STEP-BY-STEP through the process of discovering their theme, building their structure & increasing the narrative tension -- all with supporting worksheets & exercises to further understanding & practical application.

Hard to limit it to just one 'aha'! But if I had to choose, then it would probably be understanding the differences of dual storylines and subplots, and how these interweave within a story's structure, as well as how to apply these concepts to a multi-book storyline.

Australian Writers' Centre offers affordable, detailed, and high-quality educational courses that help both the budding novelist and the seasoned pro to greater understand the fundamentals of writing, and how to practically apply these fundamentals to their own writing. A++! Highly recommended!!

Maggie Szabo 9 months ago

I had heard wonderful things about AWC courses and was wondering if my writing needed more structure (turns out it did!) so I invested in the course.

It's made me see how my own writing lacked proper structure and allowed me to be able to build it in.

Chris Tankey 11 months ago

I've studied plenty of structure things before, so I was concerned I would be treading on the same ground. But I found it really helpful, breaking things down in a much more practical way than other resources.

It's absolutely worth doing, and it helps break down a sometimes mystifying process into something that feels like it can actually be achieved.

Amanda Willimott 1 year ago

I received feedback from a publisher that I needed to work on my structure. Having done many AWC courses before, this was the first place I looked.

The handouts and practical exercises really help with applying what I learned from the course to my own work.

I finally 'get' structure! Everything was explained so clearly with real practical information that I can use to build a solid structure for my new novel.

I always write my plot first but my aha! moment came in discovering that the major plot events can naturally come from well-developed characters. That character should come first!

AWC has courses to support writers at all stages of their writing journey. There is always something to learn.

Patrice Shaw 1 year ago

As a freelance editor working with many beginner writers, I thought this course might help to explain what story structure is in a more succinct way.

I enjoyed being able to work at my own pace and the down-to-earth tone of the narrator.

An AHA moment was understanding how to explain the difference between structure and plot in a way that clients will understand.

This course is comprehensive and easy to follow. A worthwhile investment.

James Inglis 1 year ago

I enjoyed understanding more about structures, particularly over a multi-book story arc. The worksheets will come in very handy too!

AWC courses are packed full of information that can be digested in nice, bite sized chunks.

Nicole 1 year ago

I have previously completed a course with Pamela and found it incredibly informative and inspiring. She is a wealth of information and I have so much to learn from her. I am partway through writing my first novel and am absorbing as much as I can learn about the art of writing :)

The course has clarified so much about my novel in my own mind and helped me move forward with writing in a more structured way. I now understand how narrative tension really works and what techniques can be applied to increase narrative tension.

There is such a wealth of knowledge to be gained from undertaking these courses and I have not yet undertaken one course that hasn't vastly improved my writing.

Penny Andrews 1 year ago

I wanted a detailed explanation of the three-act structure and was happy to also get information about other types of structures. The handouts were really useful for me. It enabled me to plan the novel I am trying to write in a more considered way.

If you have never been taught about story structure, or need a more in depth explanation than you have had previously, then this is a fantastic course.

Wendy Banham 1 year ago

I enjoyed most learning more about the different types of structure, and plotting and subplots, and how to apply these to build stronger and well-paced stories.

I feel that I have a deeper understanding of story structure and better idea of how to write and restructure my book so that it will have more impact and interest and draw a prospective reader in.

I have been struggling with the concept of turning points, rising action and climax, and their relationship to each other in building narrative tension. I think I have finally got a handle on what these are all about.

Do yourself a favour, if you are struggling with any aspect of writing, do one of AWC's writing courses. It will definitely help with putting you on the 'write' track. :-)

Nadira 1 year ago

I understand much more about pitfalls and things to avoid when writing scenes. In addition, I have a better appreciation of how to use conflict in a story to increase narrative tension.

It is definitely worthwhile investing time and money to do some of the basic "Fiction Essentials" courses.

Leanda Herring 1 year ago

As an accomplished musician but beginning writer, I needed to explore the structural elements of creative writing.

I found the common links between musical structure and writing structure fascinating. It has given me the skills to identify structural patterns in my writing.

This course is well presented, informative and provides masterful insights into structuring your writing.

Cherie Corbett-Jones 1 year ago

I enjoyed looking at the different types of structure and how they work for different stories. I particularly appreciated the Bonus Module on series.

I now feel like I actually understand how to structure a novel and this course has given me the tools to be able to troubleshoot if I find myself going off track.

If you want to write a novel and aren't sure where to start, this is the place to go!

Casey Nissen 1 year ago

Something was wrong with previous stories I have written and ultimately I decided it was the structure (and after completing this course, I realised it definitely was my structure!).

The course was very well set out. Handouts were helpful. The audio was well paced and informative. Realised I previously had veeeeery little structure.

I encourage anyone who is struggling with their story and wondering why 'it isn't quite right' to go ahead and do a course.

Cathie Cummins 1 year ago

Clearly presented, good narration and structure. Enjoyed the charts to analyse scenes, plot, sub-plots and themes, story questions, risks.

I certainly understand more and can see more about structure in books read and why stories can be more satisfying to the reader. Good tools I am planning to use for editing.

I could see in some of my short pieces - they had strong / various themes when I analysed them. I used different stories for different exercises, which was also valuable.

Someone recently told me they were writing a novel and were a bit stuck on how to achieve something with their main character. I said they were very brave attempting a novel without the advantage of writing tools of trade. I encouraged them to check out the AWC courses!

Gillian 2 years ago

I did not really understand at first how plot and structure differed and wanted to learn more; as well as get a handle on how to write in a way that kept readers engaged.

Well set-out and the bonus content on how to structure series was so helpful too. I have a greater understanding of how to create, maintain and escalate narrative tension to make my writing engaging and enjoyable to read.

The AWC has a course for any genre, style, issue or topic of interest in writing, and every one of them is interesting and engaging, well-presented and thorough.

Sue Oliver 2 years ago

The course really helped me. It clarified several ideas and how to develop them. I am planning a series - it helped me define which path to take and how to develop it.

The self-pacing is great as it makes completing the modules so easy. There is a lot of really good information. I felt involved rather than just a listener.

All the courses I have done with AWC have helped my writing enormously. Can't recommend them highly enough and they are worth the money.

Jan Samuels 2 years ago

This course challenged me to go deeper into my writing, and gave me excellent support in working out a possible structure for my story. The handouts in particular were tremendously helpful.

Understanding structure - without getting bogged down - is so important to building confidence and just getting on with writing your first draft. I think it will probably save me months of work and heartache, and reinforces the idea of 'just get on with it'. Any problems can be ironed out later.

AWC courses are practical, sensible and full of great content.

Ellen Evans 2 years ago

The course looked like a great way to learn how to structure my stories to get the best out of them. As soon as I read the outline, I wanted to do it. And I'm glad I did.

So much information in five (ish) short hours - well ten actually as I have already listened to it twice, and plan several more listenings. Each time I listen I get more out of it. I get more daunted too of course as there is so much to do - but then I change my mind set to "You can do this. Not only that but you need to do it as, if you can see how your story is structured now, it will save you so much time in the end as there will be fewer rewrites. And you'll get the pace right!! You can do this."

I enjoyed the challenges it sets. The huge learning journey that I have just travelled, and continue to travel. The information in the handouts that I can see will be used over and over. The reinforcement of the structure of a novel that I am working on - I seem to be on the right path.

I'm 70. I have been writing all my life, yet I continue to learn, and want to learn.

As I said, it reinforces what I am doing at the moment, but also completes my skill set - which I think is extremely important - and gives me permission to know the rules, and break them if I need to. Which I also think is important.

Sharon Emmett 2 years ago

I was surprised and delighted with how much I learnt. It helped me get "structure" straight in my head and I had been having trouble with that after my first draft. I was floundering and it set me back on track by giving steps to follow to "sort things out" and put them in order.

You can read books, but the Australian Writers' Centre courses help you with organising and motivation.


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